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In English – Limitless Gaming

Limitless Gaming (Digipelirajaton)
is a nationwide action
that tackles problematic gaming in Finland.

  • We raise awareness about gaming and gaming-related problems
  • We develop low-threshold interventions for excessive gamers (18-29-year-olds)
  • We provide online support for gamers concerned about their own gaming behavior
  • We train professionals to become aware of problematic gaming behavior

Limitless Gaming is funded by the Funding Centre of Social Wellfare and Health Organizations (STEA), which operates under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland.

Low-threshold interventions for excessive gamers

Limitless Gaming (Digipelirajaton) provides group interventions for intense gamers (18 to 29 years of age) who seek to reduce the effects of gaming in their everyday lives. Limitless Gaming Program is based on peer support, group activities and psychoeducation.

The services are currently only available in Finnish.

Limitless Gaming Program provides three group-based interventions:

DPR Bootcamp. Action-based peer support group.

  • For intense gamers who do not consider themselves problem gamers
  • Focus on promoting the gamer’s overall well-being (e.g. social skills, physical activity, time management skills)
  • Social gaming (e.g. video games, board games), group discussions and assigments
  • Aims to raise awareness of the links between excessive gaming and overall well-being
  • Instructed by a health care professional who works as a pair with ”a peer coach” (trained volunteer with a history of problematic gaming)
  • Fixed program with 10 specified themes
  • 10 weekly meetings, 3 hours at a time

DPR Ctrl. Discussion-based peer support group.

  • For excessive gamers who seek to reduce or quit gaming
  • Focus on controlling one’s gaming behavior
  • Sharing of experiences, discussions, assignments, homework, practical tools and tips
  • Guided by peer coaches (trained volunteers with a history of problematic gaming)
  • Fixed program with 10 specified themes
  • 10 weekly meetins, 2 hours at a time

DPR Online. Online support.

  • For everyone concerned about their own gaming behavior
  • Open Discord-server for online discussion on problematic gaming
  • Peer coaches (trained volunteers with a history of problematic gaming) participate in and moderate discussions
  • Self-help material on the website (coming soon)

”I liked my group’s atmosphere. There was really quite a lot of info.”

”I liked how it went. I’m missing opportunities to converse more.”

Raising awareness about gaming and gaming-related problems

We produce, summarize and publish information concerning problematic gaming as well as other gaming-related topics. In October 2017, we published a two-part literature review that summarizes over 300 international research articles and forms a basis for our ongoing project work.

Part 1. ”Gaming and gaming disorder. A review on dimensions of gaming.” [Kuuluvainen, S. & Mustonen, T. (2017). Digitaalinen viihdepelaaminen ja digipeliriippuvuus. Katsaus pelaamisen eri ulottuvuuksiin. Helsinki: Sosped Foundation.]

Part 2. ”Peer support as a means to overcome problematic gaming?” [Niemi, T. (2017). Vertaistuestako apu ongelmalliseen digipelaamiseen? Helsinki: Sosped Foundation.]

The review (in Finnish) is freely available from our website
[dowload publication].

We continue sharing research-based and experience-based information on gaming-related topics in written materials, seminars and public events.

Training and support for professionals working with gamers and young adults

We provide information and supporting materials for professionals who face gaming and gaming-related problems in their daily work (e.g., in health and social care, youth work, and other related fields). We also give lectures and organize tailored trainings for professionals and communities who wish to learn more about problematic and excessive gaming.

Supporting materials, such as guidelines for detecting symptoms of problematic gaming behaviors and links to other service providers’ websites, are also available for gamers, as well as the parents, spouses and concerned others of those affected by problematic gaming.

Our work is based on raising awareness,
developing group-based interventions and
providing support for professionals working with young adults.

Have a question? Please, contact us!

Follow us on Facebook @digipelirajaton or Instagram @digipelirajaton !

Terhi Mustonen
Head of Limitless Gaming
tel. +358 44 293 9497
Katja Mankinen
tel. +358 44 420 2968

Email us: firstname.lastname@sosped.fi

Vihkon aukeama

Sosped Foundation is peer support and communality